US EAS 329:2017

Fresh mango - Specification

UGX 40,000/=


This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, sampling and test methods for mango (Mangifera indica L.) from the family Anacardiaceae to be supplied fresh to the consumer. This standard does not apply to green preserving mango and mango for industrial processing. (This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US 1611:2015, Fresh mango - Specification, which has been technically revised). This standard was PUBLISHED on 2017-6-20.

Price UGX 40,000/=
Status Compulsory
Format PDF
TC UNBS/TC 2/SC 4-Food and Agriculture Standards -Fruits, vegetables, spices, related products and processes
ICS 67.080.10 Fruits and derived products
Language English
Edition 1st Edition
Sales Rating    

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