US IEC 80416-1:2008

Basic principles for graphical symbols for use on equipment- Part 1: Creation of graphical symbols for registration


This Uganda Standard provides basic principles and guidelines for the creation of graphical symbols for registration, and provides the key principles and rules for the preparation of title, description and note(s. It is published as a double logo standard. This standard applies to graphical symbols used: � to identify the equipment or a part of the equipment (for example, controls or displays); � to indicate functional states or functions (for example, on, off, alarm); � to designate connections (for example, terminals, filling points); � to provide information on packaging (for example, identification of content, instructions for handling); � to provide instructions for the operation of the equipment (for example, limitations of use). This standard was published on 15 June 2021.

This Standard was withdrawn and replaced by :

  US IEC 80416-1:2008