Steel for the reinforcement of concrete - Part 2: Ribbed bars
This Uganda Standard specifies technical requirements for ribbed bars to be used as reinforcement in concrete. This part of US EAS 412 covers six steel grades not intended for welding (B400A-R, B400B-R, B400C-R, B500A-R, B500B-R and B500C-R), and nine steel grades (B400AWR, B400BWR, B400CWR, B400DWR, B420DWR, B500AWR, B500BWR, B500CWR and B500DWR) intended for welding. The steel grades are designated with steel names allocated in accordance with ISO/TS 4949. (This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US 155-2:2003, Specification for steel bars for reinforcement of concrete - Ribbed bars, which has been technically revised and republished).
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