US ARS 1651:2018

Good financial grant practice - Requirements

UGX 15,000/=


This Uganda Standard specifies requirements to be met by grantees (the organization) in order to demonstrate good financial grant practice (GFGP). These requirements are categorized into four main practice areas accordingly: 1) Financial management: a) planning and budgeting; b) income management; c) expenditure management; d) property, plant and equipment management; e) cash, bank and treasury management; f) inventory management; g) travel expenses; h) sub-grantee management; i) financial management systems; and j) financial reporting. 2) Human resources: a) human resource management and payroll; and b) staff development. 3) Procurement: a) planning; and b) contract management. 4) Governance: a) grant management and compliance; b) audit; and c) risk management. This standard was PUBLISHED on 2019-12-10

Price UGX 15,000/=
Status Voluntary
Format PDF
TC UNBS/TC 10, Management and services.
ICS 03.060 Finances. Banking. Monetary systems. Insura
Language English
Edition 1st Edition
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