US ISO/TS 30407:2017

Human resource management - Cost-Per-Hire

UGX 30,000/=


This Uganda Standard gives guidance measure the economic value of the effort taken to fill an open position in an organization. This document describes actions to be taken when calculating CPH to maintain quality and transparency, including creating a representative data set, using a transparent source of data, minimizing data errors and ensuring that periodic audits of processes occur on data input. Central to CPH as described in this document are the features of the visual display of the metric, emphasizing transparency of data inputs, processes and the formula used within the metric This standard was PUBLISHED on 2017-12-12

Price UGX 30,000/=
Status Voluntary
Format PDF
TC UNBS/TC 10, Management and services’ Standards Technical Committee
ICS 03.100.30 Management of human resources
Language English
Edition 1st Edition
Sales Rating