US ISO 20481:2008

Coffee and its products - Determination of caffeine content using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) - Reference method

UGX 25,000/=


This Uganda Standard specifies a high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for the determination of the caffeine content of: green coffee roasted coffee soluble coffee, regular and decaffeinated and mixed instant coffee products (for example, coffee/chicory mix or cappuccino-type coffee drink). (This Uganda Standard is an adoption of the International Standard ISO 20841:2008). This standard was PUBLISHED on 2011-12-20.

Price UGX 25,000/=
Status Voluntary
Format PDF
TC UNBS/TC 2/SC 17- Food and agriculture Standards- Coffee, cocoa, tea and related products
ICS 67.140.20 Coffee and coffee substitutes
Language English
Edition 1st Edition
Sales Rating    

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