US ISO 14403-1:2012

Water quality - Determination of total cyanide and free cyanide using flow analysis (FIA and CFA) - Part 1: Method using Flow Injection Analysis (FIA)

UGX 30,000/=


This Uganda Standard specifies methods for the determination of cyanide in various types of water (such as ground, drinking, surface, leachate, and waste water) with cyanide concentrations from 2 ?g/l to 500 ?g/l expressed as cyanide ions in the undiluted sample. The range of application can be changed by varying the operation conditions, e.g. by diluting the original sample or using a different injection volume. A suitable mass concentration range from 20 ?g/l to 200 ?g/l is described. THIS STANDARD WAS PUBLISHED ON 2013-06-25.

Price UGX 30,000/=
Status Voluntary
Format PDF
TC UNBS/TC 2/SC 16- Food and Agriculture Standards -Drinks, water and related beverages.
ICS 13.060.50 Examination of water for chemical substances
Language English
Edition 1st Edition
Sales Rating